The rent loyalty program for smart landlords & property managers
Piñata has over 1,500 property management companies and 550K renters...

Some of our favorite stats.
rent payments rewarded
increase in positive reviews
average credit boost
increase in on-time rent payments
The world is taking notice!

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Piñata is the super amenity for your properties.

Increase On-Time Rent Payments

Attract and Engage Quality Renters

Generate Ancillary Revenue
The data overwhelmingly supports that happy renters refer their friends, pay rent on-time, renew their leases and take better care of their units and homes. Piñata was created to make renters feel rewarded and more financially secure.
The Piñata membership includes:
Branded app
and web rewards experience for your residents.
Credit Engine©
Piñata’s comprehensive credit reporting service.
Rent rewards
including home & family products, gift cards and big-prize giveaways.
Master Policy Renters Insurance
to cover all of your participating doors.
Custom Incentives
for early lease renewals, surveys and referrals.
Review Rocket©
our way to get you renter insights and incentivize positive ratings.
How does this work with my property management software? How do they communicate?
The good news is there is no need for an integration for our systems to communicate, which saves you money! We operate entirely on automated/schedule reports. We will work with you to set up monthly scheduled reports to be sent to our team.
Is the platform secure?
Yes, the platform is entirely secure and we have the best mechanisms in place to ensure you and your renters’ data is protected at all times.
How do renters receive their monthly Piñata cash?
Each month, your renters receive 20 Piñata Cash for being a renter on the platform. Once we receive your monthly automated report, our team will verify who paid their rent on time (and who didn’t) and reward them an additional 20 Piñata Cash accordingly. There is no work that needs to be done on your end in the monthly rewarding process!
How do my renters pay with rent with Piñata?
Your renters will continue to pay rent the same way they currently are! This process does not change. The way we verify that they pay their rent on time is by receiving those monthly reports.
How does credit building work?
We can report your renters’ on-time rent payments to the credit bureaus to help them build their credit. Your residents can choose the free
option, which reports their on-time rent payments to TransUnion. We also have a premium option, which reports to all three bureaus, which also offers a revenue opportunity for you. Connect with our sales team to learn more!
Do you report delinquent payment as well?
Our primary goal is to help renters increase their credit score and provide a financially stable foundation to build off of. We only report on time rent payments to the credit bureaus, unless you as a management company ask us to report delinquent payments on a case by case basis.
How does Piñata make money?
Piñata has exclusive partnerships with brands and businesses on the platform that offer revenue generating opportunities for the business. This coupled with other in app purchase opportunities allow Piñata to offer the platform at little cost to the management company!
Want to know more?
Reward your renters for their on-time rent payments
Reward your renters every month with Piñata Points, our in-app currency, to spend on rewards of their choice. They also have access to curated deals designed with renters in mind.

+ 100 more

Comprehensive rent reporting
Piñata’s rent reporting tool, Credit Engine, automatically reports to all 3 major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion). When your renters have good credit it leads to better financial decision making, like paying rent on-time.

Custom incentives; gain valuable insights
Incentive key renter actions to drive positive tenant behavior & access data.

Best-in-class renters insurance.
At Piñata, we take away all the hassle of sourcing a renter’s insurance policy by rolling out one master policy to cover all of your participating doors.
That means managing month-to-month changes in coverage, enrolling tenants, and ensuring quick resolution to claims.